All Insights

SD-WAN Is the Answer
This infographic illustrates the benefits of optimizing internet-based application traffic with an SD-WAN solution like CDK Cloud Connect.
1 Min Read•Feb 16•CDK Global

Dealerships Are Turning on Buying Excitement With CDK Roadster Digital Retailing
While inventory is improving and the chip shortage is mostly behind us, a big challenge remains.
2 Min Read•Feb 3•Austin Kohlieber

Car Buyers Still Not Finding What They Want in Inventory
Car sales picked back up in January and the Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate (SAAR) landed at 15.7 million according to NADA.
3 Min Read•Feb 3•David Thomas

Where Intelligent Reporting Stands at the Dealership
Industry insight is crucial for boosting your business’s output and revenue.
1 Min Read•Jan 23•CDK Global

Consumers Still Say Buying a New Car Is Easy, But Inventory Issues Persist
After Six Months of Polling, the Issues Bringing Car Buyers Down Are Clear
3 Min Read•Jan 23•David Thomas
Boost Employee Retention And Customer Experience With AI Voice Assistants For Dealerships
Artificial intelligence (AI) has posed a long-standing threat to jobs.
3 Min Read•Jan 4•Jessie Hammonds

CRM Reporting: The Key to Success Regardless of Market Conditions
The last few years have proven the old adage that nothing is constant but change.
3 Min Read•Dec 12•CDK Global

Time Expectations Improve as Dealer Inventory Recovers
Indicators across the industry are showing that dealership inventories are rebounding from some of the tightest in history.
2 Min Read•Dec 8•David Thomas

Get To Know Your Potential Buyers
We share common likes, dislikes, wants and needs which can be quantified and focused to drive your marketing campaigns.
4 Min Read•Dec 1•CDK Global

4 Ways To Turn Fixed Ops Challenges Into Financial Opportunities
Service bays across most dealerships have been full or over capacity for quite some time now.
4 Min Read•Nov 28•CDK Global

Modernizing the Car Dealership Sales Process
Today’s digital-savvy customers want a modern, customer-focused Sales team using up-to-date technology.
1 Min Read•Nov 16•CDK Global

4 CRM Reports To Boost Efficiency and Oversight
Higher interest rates, lower inventories, chip shortages and falling used car prices — it’s no secret that the automotive sales and service business has gotten harder and more competitive.
3 Min Read•Nov 9•CDK Global