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The Power of Video: Earn Customer Trust and Service Business
When you spend your days servicing and repairing vehicles, it’s easy to forget that most people know very little about...
3 Min Read•Apr 29•CDK Global

Everything You Need to Know About the CDK Dealership Xperience
Margin compression and changing customer expectations have auto dealers working hard to find new process efficiencies to boost profits and...
9 Min Read•Apr 19•CDK Global

The Pros and Cons of Involving Sales Staff in F&I
We know how the traditional F&I sales process works and why customers sometimes shut down as a new round of...
4 Min Read•Apr 16•Saundi Crandall

Leverage AI for a More Efficient Front Office
Today, dealers echo one refrain in terms of their top strategy: Deliver a terrific customer experience. It’s become one of...
3 Min Read•Apr 9•Amber Good

Make Repairs Easier to Understand and Update, Update, Update
We’ve all been there: You take your car in for service and wait around for hours to hear next steps...
2 Min Read•Apr 4•Brooke Wilson

Robust Inventories Lift Buyer Attitudes
In February, the tracking CDK does of new car buyers returned its most positive results to date with nearly nine...
3 Min Read•Apr 1•David Thomas

Dealership Sales Staffing Dips but Sales Don’t Have To
The heady days of low inventory and high profit margins have eased into a more normal buyer’s market. As the...
3 Min Read•Mar 26•CDK Global

Effective Automotive Email Marketing Requires a CRM
Time and time again email proves to be an unsung hero in marketing. It’s flexible, cost-effective and boasts consistently high...
3 Min Read•Mar 25•CDK Global

EV Owners Speak Out in New Study
As car shoppers and dealers adjust to the electric vehicle phenomenon, they’re looking for answers to questions about the inevitable...
1 Min Read•Mar 20•CDK Global

What Does Gen Z Want in F&I Products?
Generation Z is coming of age and beginning to slide into the driver’s seat. While this generation follows those that...
3 Min Read•Mar 18•Jason Swiech

Amplify Your Dealership Technology to Add Profit, Not People
Faced with ongoing margin compression and changing customer expectations, auto dealers are working hard to find new ways to create...
3 Min Read•Mar 11•Jen Miller

Market Your Trained Technicians to Earn Service Business
Despite swirling economic head winds, fixed operations remains a bright spot for franchised dealers. It’s the steady stalwart relied upon...
3 Min Read•Mar 7•CDK Global