3 Min ReadOctober 25, 2022

The Advantages of Using VPN

The Advantages of Using VPN

Never before has the need for data privacy and protection been so pressing. Since the pandemic, the workforce has shifted to a more hybrid model, and employers are striving to prioritize being able to work and access data from any location. It's critical for dealerships to ensure their data is both internally and externally secure. Understanding the benefits of virtual private networks (VPNs) will help your dealership decide if it's right for you.

Securing a VPN can often be overlooked without truly understanding how crucial it can be for a dealership to have one. When implemented properly, a VPN can considerably improve the security profile of the overall dealership. At its most fundamental, using a VPN online can offer two major benefits:

  • Privacy
    By hiding information that could be traced by websites, internet browsers, cable companies, internet service providers (ISPs) and other parties, such as your IP address, location and search history.
  • Security
    By helping to protect your sensitive data when it's being sent from and received by your device, or while it's en route.


While those are both strong rewards, a VPN can do much more than that.


Conceal Your Personal Information
The ability to conceal such private information is one of the most attractive features of VPNs. Hackers can intercept sensitive information entered on websites using a number of techniques. They could attempt to impersonate you and use that information to access bank accounts, credit card numbers and other things by pretending to be you.


With a VPN, however, a high level of security can be enjoyed by all. This makes all of your internet communications appear to anyone who manages to intercept them as meaningless jumbled text and characters.

Prevent Data and Bandwidth Throttling
Data throttling occurs when an internet service provider (ISP) decides to slow down overall service after a certain quantity of available data has been consumed. The potential to get around a data cap is possible if the dealership has a VPN. This might be especially beneficial for staff members who have to utilize data plans on their smart devices to access the internet when in the lot or the Service bay.

Bandwidth throttling happens when the internet speed begins to be slowing down by an ISP or other party with authority over the Wi-Fi network. This occasionally happens when certain websites are visited, or specific online activities are carried out. By using a VPN, dealerships may hide data transmissions and completely rule out the chance of the dealership's internet connection being throttled based on employee and customer use.

Aside from the benefits already mentioned, there are other advantages to using a VPN. VPNs can help protect file sharing, reduce long distance phone charges and save you money. The advantages of having a VPN at your dealership are numerous and far outweigh the drawbacks.


It's important to note that not all VPNs will provide you with the same level of privacy. When it comes to choosing a VPN, always do a comprehensive evaluation before making a selection. You should be aware of the many features and limits of that vendor's VPN solution.

For more information on how CDK Global can help, please click this link.


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Jessie Hammonds
By Jessie Hammonds
Product Marketing Manager

Jessie Hammonds is a product marketing manager at CDK Global. Jessie is eager to assist dealerships to transform and create continued success in today’s hybrid world.

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