1 Min Read • January 12, 2024
What’s Changed in Service Shopper 3.0

Winning over a shopper is difficult for any type of retailer. Securing someone’s business looking to service their car however, might be the hardest of all.
That’s why CDK Global continues to focus on the Service department. This year, CDK surveyed more than 2,000 car shoppers for the Service Shopper 3.0 study to glean their feedback on everything from dealership service customer experience, service choices and needs. The study uncovered details on why shoppers chose a dealership, why more repairs are done at the dealership, where dealers fall behind in the service experience plus key takeaways to help dealers shape the future of their service operations.
Last year, there was a drop in customer satisfaction scores for Service whether it was at the dealer, an independent shop or a chain. This year, the tide thankfully changed, even if just slightly, for franchised dealers. Find out what’s driving this change and how dealerships can keep moving the numbers in the right direction.
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